Equipment hire

Equipment hire

Materials handling company recovers millions of dollars’ worth of equipment within three months of working with EDX

A materials handling company believed they were doing the right thing. They protected their interests in the company’s valuable equipment assets by registering on the Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR). Then two customers went broke, and administrators were appointed. They found out the hard way their PPS registrations were not up to scratch when they had great difficulties recovering their rented equipment. 

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How to Win Back Lost Assets from a Position of Power

When a customer goes out of business before you’ve been paid, there’s one important way to protect yourself: the PPSR. This court case shows how registering your security interests on the PPSR will give you a seat at the negotiating table and a real chance to recover goods or money owed. 

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The Implications of Registering Late on the PPSR

What could be more frustrating than registering a security interest on the PPSR only to find out that you’ve still lost out? That’s what happened to equipment leasing company Doka Formwork Pty Ltd. They lost around $1 million simply because they registered too late. Find out what happened and how your business can avoid the same fate.

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