Registrar fees

Registrar fees

PPSR and Trade Credit Insurance. Here’s what to know

When it comes to protecting your business from bad debt, where do you turn: trade credit insurance or the PPSR?

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5 Powerful Reasons to Register Your Small Customers on the PPSR

Too often businesses worry about the cost of registering on the PPSR while ignoring the cost of not registering. Some decide that the best way to control their costs is to register only their more significant customers – those with a high credit limit or actual exposure. It’s true you’ll pay less in registration fees by not registering all your customers, but it’s a false economy. Here we’ll show you why.

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Homewares Company Finds Out It Can Recover $500,000 With Just One PPS Registration

A homewares company became worried about the financial stability of one of its customers and decided to use the Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR) as a way to protect their unpaid for goods should their customer collapse. To make sure they got the registration right, they asked EDX to do it for them.

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